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  • .NET
  • Application Development
  • ASP
  • BigCommerce
  • CSS
  • Drupal
  • Internet Marketing
  • Java
  • Link Building
  • Magento
  • Mobile Application Development
  • PHP
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Web Design
  • Web Development

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  • Software,Website,Application,Testing

    $10/hr Starting at $500 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Expertly involved our first class service work according to your business demand, this is the only reason why we get success to enlarge you business ranging from small venture to the big one. Our up-to-date...

    .NETApplication DevelopmentASPBigCommerceCSS


SWATS (SEO, Website, Application, Testing, Service)

Expertly involved our first class service work according to your business demand, this is the only reason why we get success to enlarge you business ranging from small venture to the big one. Our up-to-date services give cutting-edge way to run the business through these services.

Digital marketing, substitute of internet marketing is the best way to increase number of customer through online promotion. Our expert SEO, SMO, Link building and PPC services compete others and with every passing week we modify our terminologies. Prominence in internet marketing service makes us capable to rank your website high for sure huge benefits.

The unsurpassed web design solution for website which never fails to attract visitors. Best design, best professional font, complex but responsive color schemes to force visitor to know more about you and improved results are the key features of our web design services.

Consistently modifying web development pathway offers enormous advantages, remarkable outcomes and cost efficiency. Through excellence in web development we connect your venture and customers together. We meet entire of your business requirements that meet to the success.

Technology is getting into our life to make it easier and happier; number of users can be seen using diverse handhelds which has developed need of mobile application development. At Cyber SWATS we recommend unbitten mobile application development. Both in term of excellent user experience and cost we will seem to be the better.

We are also working as web application Development Company and with latest technology of JAVA, Drupal, ASP .NET, PHP, CSS and other we demonstrate what is highly innovative, result oriented, business driven and focused.

What we offer you?

- Expertise of technology
- Markets best practices to take you high
- Matchless pricing
- Better experience
- Trustworthiness
- Business focused services

Work Terms

. Projects less than US$5000 or a delivery period of 4-6 Weeks:

25% Advance (Mutually decided)
25% after Design and HTML work Complete
35% After 80% Completion
15% After Testing & Deployment

2. Project greater than US$5000 or a delivery period of 6-12 Weeks:

25% Advance
25% On reaching the first per-decided Milestone
25% On reaching the second per-decided Milestone
25% After Testing, Deploying and Handing Over Source Code to Buyer

(Our hourly rate is in range of USD 12-25 depending on type of project and complexity involved)

3. Monthly Retainer Projects:

We also work on monthly retainer projects where we charge a monthly retainer fee for the work we deliver on a monthly basis. This amount depends on the scope and quantum of work that needs to be delivered each month.