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  • .NET
  • JavaScript
  • PHP
  • Adobe Flex
  • Android
  • C#
  • HTML5
  • iOS
  • jQuery
  • WordPress
  • 3D
  • ActionScript
  • ActionScript 3
  • Amazon
  • AngularJS

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  • Expert Web & Android Developer

    $45/hr Starting at $3K Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Please find a portfolio of some of the work I have done at: I've been developing web applications for ten years. I have experience with most languages as well as mobile...

    .NET3DActionScriptActionScript 3Adobe Flex


Focus and simplicity. Simple can be harder than complex; you have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple.

Dan Orlando is an Entrepreneur, Visionary, Business Strategist, Enterprise Systems Architect, Software Engineer, Technology Guru, and Accredited Author.

With experience in a vast array of software and hardware technologies, Dan specializes in business optimization and performance improvement by leveraging data analysis to make key decisions and streamline business processes. As an Information Technology Consultant, Dan has lead the implementation of strategic product development initiatives for Fortune 500 enterprise corporations and VC funded start-ups in Silicone Valley alike.

Dan has written for publications that include IBM developerWorks, Amazon Developer Connection, Flash & Flex Developer Magazine, Adobe Developer Connection, and Zend Technologies and Technical Editor for Professional Papervision3D (Wiley & Sons) Author of Flex 4 In Action (Manning Press).

Recently, Dan has focused his efforts on building end-to-end web applications with Node.js, Angular.js, MongoDB, and PhoneGap that can be deployed on any device.

Core Competencies: Enterprise application development, GUI application programming, 3D programming, user experience design, and systems architecture

Core Technologies: Angular.js, Node.js, JQuery, MongoDB, Twitter Bootstrap, Amazon Web Services, Salesforce, PhoneGap, Apache Flex, Ruby on Rails, HTML5/CSS3, Adobe AIR, PHP, ActionScript 3, MySql

Work Terms

Hours: Flexible, but preferably 8am - 5pm MST.
Payment Terms: Contract, 1099, Net 15
Communication Style: I am very communication oriented and will adapt to whatever methods work best for my employer, whether it be skype video, google hangouts, chat, telephone, and even traveling on-site when necessary.

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