Thank you for checking out my profile!
I am a full stack developer (frontend and backend).
For the last 5 years website development and design have been both my primary work as well as my primary hobby. I have gone the extra mile in these fields to guarantee that I can provide the most complete solution for any project I work on.
Detail for my skill set:
Web Frontend and UI/UX:
- Angular: Angular.js /2/4/5/6/7, AngularDart
- Vue: Vuex, Vuetify, BootStrapVue, Vue Material, Nuxt, Vue Quasar
- BootStrap, Semantic UI, Material UI, Foundation, Materialize.
- Adobe Photoshop, sketchApp
For back-end development:
- Laravel 5.8 (PHP) is my current framework of choice.
- For the data layer, I have many years of experience with: MySQL/MariaDB, Postgres, Oracle and NoSQL(MongoDB).
As a full stack developer, I can develop everything from the database and application backend to the client side graphics, including plugins, custom content, CMS and CRM systems, API integration, Cross Domain connections, consumable web services including integration and creation of APIs and cookie management.
Also able to help you with:
* Migrating servers
* Linux architecture
* Email delivery issues
* Troubleshooting web application errors
* Database and web server optimization