CTO / VP of Technology Operations | Constructive Media
February 2016 - April 2016
Managed the development team and technology infrastructure. 50 million monthly visitors. Drupal site hosted on Acquia cloud with a Fastly edge.
Founder / CEO | NRAC Technologies LLC
October 2015 - Present
Consulting firm with revenue from several clients for projects ranging from full stack web application development, data science, cyber security and CTO consulting
Senior Front End Architect | Totom / Exclusive Group Travel
June 2015 - January 2016
Lead the architecture of the front end for a project intended to replace legacy airline and hotel booking system. Architecture was a hybrid ReactJS and PHP solution.
Development Manager |
May 2012 - June 2015
Managed the development team for a hyper local news site based in NYC and Chicago. Responsible for feature development, infrastructure maintenance and architecture, cyber security and data science projects.
Consultant | Dynamic Systems Consulting
April 2007 - May 2012
Worked for several clients developing various systems including a Global Information System for tracking drivers and deliveries, PalmOS signature capture and questionnaire tools, Android applications, Hotel booking systems, and web scrapers.
Development Manager | Mannino Systems
October 2005 - April 2007
Managed development and architect for CMS solution that provided a platform for the delivery of custom designed small business websites.
Sergeant, Infantry | NY Army National Guard
June 2003 - June 2012
Member of the NY Army National Guard. Led an infantry fire team. Deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom III and Operation Enduring Freedom VII
Developer | Millennium Systems
November 2001 - November 2001
Developed high fidelity websites in ASP and ColdFusion for high profile clients such as Kraft Foods and Microsoft.