Smart Contract, DEFI, NFT, Solidity, Rust, Ethereum, Solana, NEAR, Web3, Nodejs, React, Vue, Python, Mongodb, Nestjs, Nextjs, SQLite, MySQL, IPFS, Dapp, AWS, GCP
• Develop and maintain NFT marketplace using React.js, Node.js and Solidity.
• Architected the frontend project from scratch, making them more DRY, more secure, and more efficient to develop further using Typescript, React and Redux.
• Connected a 3D engine to a React component so that it is in sync with the Redux state and reacts to state changes.
• Built up REST APIs using Nest.js which is connected with Postgres and implemented Opensea API integration.
• Wrote smart contracts to mint NFTs using ERC721, Openzepppelin, Hardhat and Truffle.
• Helped to integrate Ethereum and ERC20 tokens into an exchange that is currently being built. It included address generation, token listing, and basic wallet operation related to ether and tokens using Web3.js and Ether.js.
• Get the connected wallet interactions with contract and show it in the UI using subgraph.
• Build gRPC APIs using Rust to fetch all accounts data in Solana and store them on PostgreSQL.
• Develop and main the Gosuto wallet which is running on the Casper network.
• Used popular crates like libp2p, waves-rust, cyber-rs, monero-rs, rust-abci, etc.
• Wrote smart contracts for Solana, Polkadot, CosmWasm using Rust.
• Fascinated by Solana Smart Chain and NFT fields and dive into the development of Dapp- scaffold anchor project and NFT projects with Metaplex.
• Investigated various optimizations to Ethereum transaction throughput and gas cost for IDEX, currently the biggest on-chain exchange.
• Provided server-side rendering with React and AWS Lambda and AWS API Gateway to reduce cost from idle server time.
• Implemented an authentication solution using AWS Cognito to enable multiple clients to sign in to a cloud-based application using SAML federation.
• Followed both agile and test-driven development techniques and achieved over 90% unit-test coverage.
• Working with main DeFi protocols: Uniswap (forked and developed products on V1 & V2), PancakeSwap, QuickSwap, JustSwap.
Work Terms
60$/hour, English-Communication