Full Stack Web Developer | JavaScript | TypeScript | Node.js | Python | Git | Github | Docker | MySQL | MongoDB | Express.js | React.js | Next.js | TailwindCSS | RTL | Jest | Mocha | Chai
I'm a challenge-driven dev who truly loves team work but also knows how to enjoy the time working by myself. Aside from the professional aspect, I hold a high esteem for spending time with family and friends, listening to music, gaming, sports, TV shows, or live streamings
The stacks i'm familiar with are
* Languages & OPS: [JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, Node.js, Docker, Git, GitHub]
* FrontEnd: [React.js, Next.js, TailwindCSS, HTML, CSS]
* BackEnd: [MySQL, MongoDB, API, Restful, Express.js, Sequelize, Mongoose]
* Tests: [RTL, Jest, Mocha, Chai, Sinon, Pytest]