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  • Creative, Content and Technical Writing

    $18/hr Starting at $250 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I cover current research subject areas in Agri-Food, Pharma/Health, Bio-Energy and Recyclables. I have specialties in silage feeding, processing, digestive metabolism & physiology and am branching out...

    Academic Content WritingAcademic ResearchAcademic WritingBook WritingContent Writing


To provide my best and latest in scientific content to refereed periodicals, Indie publishers, blog content on the Internet, and market analysis of web content and on social media.

This writer/researcher graduated from a top International institution in Australia having been awarded a postgraduate degree in applied sciences, in particular building on the degree of biotechnology as a long-term freelancer and now an academic writer specializing in low-quality based feeds and solid-state fermentation (SSF), and now an interest in emerging aquatic botanicals for feeding, food-grade applications and energy/recyclables and salmon fisheries/hatcheries.

In the past and coming days I plan to continue publication on functional feeding (e. g. predominantly protein/amino acids), low-quality based feeds and aquaculture and feeding including with salmon fisheries with past and current invitations from Agricultural Sciences (AS)/SCIRP (Wuhan PR China), and recently European Journal of Applied Sciences (EJAS) (U. K.) and also Discovery in Agricultural and Food Sciences (U. K.).

My freelance specialty at the moment involves past and continued research (currently seeking farm-led large animal nutrition research and laboratory assistantships in an academic setting and to continue my writing career) on ensilage feeding and utilization with animal sheep models and continue my success with publishing in professional peer-refereed periodicals and bestsellers (I have two with one planned already) with billing.

Also received a citation/award of the Marquis Who's Who of America for my
achievements back in 2014.

Work Terms

P/t (20-30 hrs/week); days/evenings as self-scheduled; rate of pay:18.75/hr; MON.-SUN. with days off to observe STAT HOLIDAYS with no vacation pay claimed. No benefits claimed (already already in receipt of MSP, dental benefits, optical benefits and other medical aids, from another source).

Grace period (10-14 business days) as screened by the author, with full refund to the client, and with stipulation of contract time (max. 2 mos.) to be paid in full.

All copyrights (c) will revert to client name/organization as stipulated in the countersigned contract document including all reference to data / information gathered and inferences/hypotheses made on behalf of the client to the full veracity of the author. (Advisory: It is deemed potentially of great commercial value but on condition of no validity on scientific refereed review.)

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