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  • Chemistry Tutoring
  • Environmental Education
  • Online Training
  • Physics Tutoring
  • Science Teacher
  • Zoom Video Conferencing


  • Science Tutor

    $7/hr Starting at $27 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I work as a Science teacher with more than 3 years of hands-on experience. I prefer the online mode of teaching through different software i-e Zoom, Google meet, etc. I always conduct hands-on exercises...

    Chemistry TutoringEnvironmental EducationOnline TrainingPhysics TutoringScience Teacher


We always work on making the topics clear and we teach our students right from the bottom line and till the endpoint.

Hello, my name is Darshan. I received my Bachelor's degree in Chemistry and specialized in Organic Chemistry.
I've been teaching at various private colleges for the last 12 months, and I've also been running my own batches for school and college students for over two and a half years.
When it comes to teaching, I go above and beyond to ensure that my students' concepts are clear.
When I see today's tutors (not all, but the majority), they always try to make students memorize the boring lectures in the same traditional way and blah blah... rather than making their concepts about that topic clear.
I myself never engage in such practices, and I can assure you that under my mentorship, you will never be required to memorize anything, but rather to understand the topic and write it in your own unique style.
My passion is to teach, and I enjoy doing so.
I'm looking forward to having you as a loyal student.
- Darshan Maheshwari

Work Terms

I prefer to talk and solve your all queries on PMB. Other than this my service charges are very reasonable and yes, You will feel proud to be my student once you learn under my supervision.