I will design Handbags and soft accessories for you
I am a freelance Handbag designer. I have designed bags for both high end and 'commercial mass' markets. I specialize in women bags but also have created unisex bag pack collection. My niche generally ranges from wedding bags, party bags, work, and travel bags. Being a NIFT (National Institute of Fashion Technology) graduate, I have worked remotely with artisans or karigars through craft clusters, internships, and an onsite job. My process extends from ideation to sampling (if needed). Leather has been my prime base material. But, I have also worked with faux leather, Cork, Canvas, Desserto, Pinatex, Suti, Lining, and Jute.
Work Terms
I prefer fixed rate projects over hourly rates. I would need detailed brief about the requirements of the job. I follow up with progress during ongoing project to eliminate any confusion and delay.