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  • Article Writing
  • Content Writing
  • Design
  • Graphic Design
  • Language Translation
  • Logo Design
  • Painting
  • Writing


  • daryakkkkkk

    $10/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    i'm provide an article writing, content writing, translations. also i'm specialised in design, painting, logo and graphic design

    Article WritingContent WritingDesignGraphic DesignLanguage Translation


My name is Darya. I'm from Belarus. I'm a student and i'm looking for a way to earn money. My favourite hobby is painting. My cup of tea is drawing different illustrations, logos and usual pictures.
Another my hobby is translation. I can translate from english to russian or belarussian. Also I'm good at article writing.
So, if you're looking for responsible person who may help you - i'm waiting for your offer ;)

Work Terms

Preffered communication style is gmail. It's comfortable to me to work 30 hours per week. 1 hour/8$