Best for your money
I've been in the business of writing in one way or another for at least 12 years if not longer, be it Blogg, magazine articles, songs for my former band, my never finished book (but I'm getting there) that in all honesty, it was never on my mind that I would ever actually write for a living. For a very long time, my main stream of revenue was translating and transcribing (mainly from audio, although I did some video transcribing as well). In a somewhat ironic turn of fate one of my passions, computers and everything about IT killed that revenue stream as AI programs finally reached the point where competing with it is not economically viable anymore. I've been a freelancer, contract, or part-time worker all my life. A friend suggested that turning to sites like these and attempting to see what can I do with my writing skills would not be the worst thing in the world.
Work Terms
Extremely flexible, if the project demands it I am prepared to work 24/7 until I see it to completion to the satisfaction of both parties.