David Productions is a small company based in Austria, that is all around Media and Tech. We do Translations, Graphics Design, Logos, Video Editing, Photo Editing, Website Building etc.
The name and company "David Productions" has been created in Mid- to late-year of 2017 by David Ilie. David Ilie was the first member of the company and it all started with his desire and dream of being a Content Creator. At the moment the company is a freelancing company, we do not have a lot of workers, in fact, most of the time David still has to work on his own. David had the dream of sharing his skills and talents with other people and make an income/living out of it. We believe that freelancing is the start of a career. As Roberto Blake explained in detail in his YouTube Video "Start Freelancing If You're Broke!" link to that: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJCxt81FzJw&feature=youtu.be&utm_content=buffer3f3c6&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer
Please check out the company's website which at the moment is more based on photography and videography: https://davidfilmproductions.wixsite.com/davidproductions
If you want to contact us then please fill out this form: https://davidfilmproductions.wixsite.com/davidproductions/contact-me
or send me an email at contact.davidproductions@gmail.com
Founded: 2017
Work Terms
We don't have set hours per day, we are flexible. We preffer communication via email at contact.davidproductions@gmail.com.