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  • Management
  • Analysis
  • Change Management
  • Coaching
  • Design
  • Employee Benefits Design
  • Leadership


  • Change Management

    $250/hr Starting at $10K Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I have a proven track record of helping companies plan for and lead through times of change. By working closely with senior leadership team, I help the company land on the most realistic path forward...

    Change ManagementDesignLeadershipManagement
  • Coaching

    $300/hr Starting at $5K Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Trust between leaders and employees is an essential ingredient to high performance. More often than not, leaders have a significant amount of work to tackle and there isn't much time to focus on staff...

  • Employee Value Proposition

    $5/hr Starting at $5K Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    The competition to attract and retain the best talent is becoming more intense. To win, companies must create a compelling value proposition for its current and future employees. By working closely with...

    Employee Benefits Design
  • Employee Engagement

    $250/hr Starting at $5K Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Many companies gather employee feedback through some type of engagement or satisfaction survey, but what these companies do with that data varies dramatically. I can help you design a survey that captures...



Experienced Human Capital Strategist

I am a change management and organisation development strategist who focuses on the building and nurturing of human connections within companies and positioning those relationships as a competitive advantage. Trust between leaders and employees is an essential ingredient to high performance, and I have a proven track record of helping companies to create a compelling workplace culture.

For the past two years, I led the Middle East affiliates of Great Place to Work, a global Human Capital/Management consultancy. In this posit I work closely with leaders to help them think through their human capital strategy, land on a specific path forward and align leaders across their organizations.

Prior to joining Great Place to Work, I held internal consulting positions at several large US-based companies, most recently Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Rhode Island. In that role, I worked closely with the company’s Transformation Office, Human Resources, Internal Communications, CSR & Diversity area, and helped move Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Rhode Island through its own healthcare transformation.

I am actively involved in the communities in which I live, having held various Board of Director positions at local nonprofit organizations and participating in frequent volunteer opportunities.

Work Terms

I am open to any project that fits my interests and offers a challenge. I tend to gravitate toward shorter-term projects but I'm open to considering other opportunities.