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Total Feedback Received: 3

  • Steven_Rothberg · Jan 22, 2006

    I'm quite happy with David's work, but just wish that he had more hours in the day so that he could get through my large project faster. He's been good at communicating with me to let me know of his progress, so the amount of time it is taking has not been a surprise.

    for Create Downloadable Audio Books

  • Steven_Rothberg · Nov 16, 2005

    Great work. I just wish that he had the time to move through this project faster.

    for Create Downloadable Audio Books

  • Steven_Rothberg · Sep 29, 2005

    Due to some unforeseen personal circumstances on David's end, he was unable to do the work nearly as quickly as he or I would have liked. Those circumstances seem to be behind him as he was able to really crank through the project over the past week or so. I look forward to continuing to work with him.

    for Create Downloadable Audio Books