To improve your work environment and lessen your stress through writing and administrative tasks being taken off your plate
During my time at grad school, I found that I enjoyed my work as a graduate assistant much more than at my practicum site. I enjoyed assisting in the lectures and meeting with the students and all the glory that came with educational mentoring. Due to this new found passion, I have become the treacherous journey towards a career in guidance counseling. However, the blessing and the curse of a career in education is the time off during summers. While I enjoy a bit of free time, three months of it can feel almost agonizing. Since I have worked several years as an administrative assistant and have gained the skill of professional writing (perhaps not by choice), utilizing both of these experiences in efficiently using my spare time seems the most pragmatic choice. So, here I am to offer my services, as unthrilling as they may seem.
Work Terms
I will be working a portion of the mornings and the entirety of my afternoon. The most convenient forms of contact would be via email or text, as I volunteer a lot and may not always be available for a phone call; but you are more than welcome to call, if that is more convenient for you and I'll call you back as quickly as I can. I have set prices on any services, but I am more than willing to negotiate those.