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  • Android
  • Application Development
  • ASP
  • CakePHP
  • CSS
  • CSS3
  • Database Driven Web Applications
  • Design
  • Ecommerce
  • Ejb
  • HTML
  • iPhone
  • J2EE
  • Java

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  • Web and Mobile Application Development

    $15/hr Starting at $100 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Decipher Zone Softwares offers full cycle software development with Agile Methodology - Requirement Analysis • Mobile - iOS (iPhone/iPad), Android; • Cross-Platform: PhoneGap, Appcelerator, Titanium;...

    AndroidApplication DevelopmentASPASP.NETCakePHP


Deciphering Deadlocks !!!

Decipher Zone Softwares offers development and consulting services that address IT requirements like architecture and development of enterprise business systems, enterprise performance monitoring, business intelligence and enterprise application integration.

To ensure that Decipher Zone is able to stay at the cutting-edge of technology, so it equipped with infrastructure and facilities that match global norms.

Our IT Professional service is committed to undertake projects based on technology competence and know-how abilities. We strive to improve your capability, help you achieve your objectives in minimum time possible, in a cost effective way and by providing a well responsive Quality IT Solutions. Decipher Zone, with global solution development center based out of India, has a global reputation as a source of providing Quality IT Solutions and un-interrupted 24X7 Product deployment & maintenance services.

Founded: 2015

Work Terms

We know that every client is unique and we strive to deliver innovative, affordable and professional services every time. At the beginning of a project we assemble a team of professional developers, QA specialists, designers and project managers – and expand the team in case of necessity.

Billing can be performed in two ways:

Fixed- Price Contract- Project payment to be paid in installments via Elance escrow system for mutually agreed milestones, which follows a review of the project by the client. We try to keep project delivery time to minimum, but project business concept, work scope and its complexity will determine the final turnaround time. We are absolutely flexible with the project payments & milestones.

Hourly-Paid Basis - billing is done according to amount of time spent by the team. Usually is used on on-going projects and projects with incremental development approach.

Intellectual property (IP) rights along with the source codes are passed to the client after the final payment from the client.