Growth Hacking: Full stack marketing with an attitude that helps startups grow from zero to hero
Every job I had at Big Corp they said "Not invented here" or 'don't reinvent the wheel". So I left and started companies, rescued companies, had them disintegrate about me and had a huge amount of fun as I put my soul and passion into making them BIG.
Along the way I did a philosophy degree and studies eletcrical engineering at under graduate level and rail systems engineering at masters level. I picked up an MBA at WBS and look for reallychallenging marketing work that makes me think hard.
I've pretty much got the full stack of startup marketing under my belt and can do everything digital + field sales, exhibitions, political campaigns and book launches (but you have to pay me a LOT to do one of those!)
What else? Quora Top Writer for the last few years, Ironman, endurance racer, father of 3
Work Terms
I work a 12 hour day based around GMT +8 (Singapore Time). That means evenings for EST, afternoons and evenings for PST, all day in Australia and mornings in Europe.
I don't work weekends - or check my emails or answer my phone then. Family and running in the jungle are too important. Plus you want me fresh and sparkling during the week.