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  • .NET
  • Access
  • Ajax
  • Application Development
  • ASP
  • Basic
  • Communication Skills
  • CSS
  • Database Design
  • Database Development
  • Design
  • Domino
  • Excel
  • HTML

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  • Database Design

    $50/hr Starting at $150 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    * Senior Lotus Notes/Domino Developer with proven experience in Notes development for the Notes client and web-enabled databases utilizing the following scripting languages – JavaScript, HTML, CSS,...

    .NETAccessAjaxApplication DevelopmentASP
  • Embedded Development

    $50/hr Starting at $150 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    * Senior Lotus Notes/Domino Developer with proven experience in Notes development for the Notes client and web-enabled databases utilizing the following scripting languages – JavaScript, HTML, CSS,...

    .NETAccessAjaxApplication DevelopmentASP
  • Programming

    $50/hr Starting at $150 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    * Senior Lotus Notes/Domino Developer with proven experience in Notes development for the Notes client and web-enabled databases utilizing the following scripting languages – JavaScript, HTML, CSS,...

    .NETAccessAjaxApplication DevelopmentASP
  • Web Programming

    $50/hr Starting at $150 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    * Senior Lotus Notes/Domino Developer with proven experience in Notes development for the Notes client and web-enabled databases utilizing the following scripting languages – JavaScript, HTML, CSS,...

    .NETAccessAjaxApplication DevelopmentASP