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  • Communication Skills
  • Design
  • Graphic Design


  • Graphic Design

    $10/hr Starting at $30 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I would like to say i have expert skills in all UI Designs also have been instrumental in various high-end projects. I can definitely do the task as per your requirements and assure you that the quality...

    Communication SkillsDesignGraphic Design


Design Your Dreams By Designer's Touch Team :)

We are worldwide company offering high quality web design & development, logo design & complete graphics design services. Whatever your project, our professional staff at in-house will work with you every step of the way to assure your complete satisfaction and that your project becomes another success story.
Service Description

We offer agency-quality graphic design, web design and development at budget-friendly prices.Company has 10+ years of high-end experience with a 100% satisfaction, money back guarantee and unlimited revisions until sign off.


- Logos & Corporate ID
- Website Design
- Iphone Applications
- Iphone Game Development
- Cartoon Illustrations & Cartoon Characters
- Book Covers
- CD Covers
- Packaging
- Flyers & Banners
- Web design (HTML, Flash,PHP)
- Website graphics
- Advertisements
- Book Design & Layout
- Brand Development
- Brochures
- Logotypes
- Corporate Identity
- Stationary
- Custom Graphics
- Digital Illustrations
- Direct Mail
- Flyers
- Greeting Cards
- Invitations