''There are three responses to a piece of design- yes, no and Wow !
Wow is the one to aim for.''
- Milton Glaser
I have been working for last 5 years under local conductors. I have worked on a lot of Graphics designing projects.
My area of Expertise:-
Graphics Designing :-
- Logo Designing.
- Poster Designing.
- T shirt Designing.
- Ebook Designing
- Flyer-Magazine Designing
- ID card Designing.
- Document layout Designing.
Tools I use:-Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Indesign, Corel Draw, Canva.
Social media Graphics Designing.
- Instagram Post Creation.
- Cover Page, Banner.
- Facebook- Twitter post designing.
- Social Media Post Template.
- Pinterest pin creation.
- Designing Info-graphics.
Tools I use:- Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Indesign, Corel Draw, Canva.
Work Terms
Need a design, I am here !!!