10+ Yr. | MEAN STACK | Angular | Node | Express.js | Nest.js | MongoDB
My skills includes
- Frontend: Angularjs, , HTML5/CSS3, jQuery, jQuery UI, AJAX
- Backend: php, , node/express, ,primus, firebase, Meteor.js. Restful JSON API
- Database: mongoose/mongoDB, mySQL,PouchDb
- Templating engine: Jade, EJS, HTML, Handlebars
- Authentication: Passportjs, JWT
- UI toolkit: Twitter bootstrap ,Angular Material
- PHP frameworks: YII, Wordpress, kirby, custom framework
- Unit Testing: NodeUnit
- mobile: phonegap/cordova/Ionic
- Grunt/Gulp for Task runners
- Bower/composer for Dependency management
-Amazon Aws/Digital Ocean for hosting
- Verson control System : SVN , GIT
- API integrated : Quickbook, Xero, Myob ,Facebook,Google Drive,Dropbox,OpenData,Appnext,Admob
My designing skill includes :
Technology: HTML, HTML5, CSS, CSS3, Bootstrap, AMP, Sass, Less, Foundation, Angular Material
Task Runner: Gulp, Grunt, Karma
Tools: Photoshop, illustrator, Firework, Dream Weaver, Corel Draw
I have worked on these Categories up till now : Real Estate, Wedding, Spa, Education, eCommerce, Game, Printing, Business Card, Flyer, Email Template, Travel, Hotel, Job Portal, Auto Towing, Medical, Entertainment, Blog, Corporate, Mobile, Personal, Retail, Specialty Pages
Attachments (Click to Preview)