To help in designing agriculture improvement concepts, proposals and in creating plan of actions for land resources development, crop productivity improvement using remote sensing and GIS
Presently Heading projects of Climate smart agriculture, implementing Sustainable Sugarcane Initiatives, System of Rice Intensification, Agriculture livelihood improvement using CSA techniques of soil and water conservation, land development planning using remote sensing and GIS technique.
Services: Developed team and executed various natural resources projects such as watershed management, Agriculture information, soil survey and mapping, crop suitability and land use planning. Product: Business geographic expansion in SSI and SRI, Consulting: DPR preparation for Agriculture improvement, Corporate Farm planning.
International projects include;
1. Philippines for World Bank
2. Mozambique for Agro Ecological Zonation study of Min. of Agriculture
3. Saudi Arabia for Agriculture Change Dynamics and Rangeland management for Min of Agriculture
4. Sierra Leone for land development project for private investor
5. Malawi for soil erosion assessment and watershed hot spot creation for Min of Agriculture
6. Kenya for Sustainable Sugarcane Initiative
7. Uganda for Agriculture land development plan preparation using GIS technology
8. Ethiopia to Present key note paper in International conference on food security and sustainable agriculture
9. China, to present paper in Asia-Pacific Forestry Week
Work Terms
Would be happy to work on fees based on number of hours spent. Payment term depends on type of work. If work needs any travel, purchase or support from outside then advance will be requested. If home based on documentation or training then can be on completion. Payment terms will be project to project basis. Communication preferred will be through email.