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  • .NET
  • Analytics
  • Android
  • App Development
  • Architects
  • Business Intelligence
  • C#
  • Common Core
  • Design
  • E-Commerce
  • Ecommerce Web Design
  • iOS
  • Operations Management
  • Qlik
  • Software Development

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  • Software / Applicaion Developer

    $8/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    DM Tech Solutions is a US business intelligence development company. What makes us unique is that our principal solution architects have over 25+ years of combined experience in business and systems...

    .NETAnalyticsAndroidApp DevelopmentArchitects


High quality low-cost solution provider

DM Tech Solutions is a US business intelligence development company. What makes us unique is that our principal solution architects have over 25+ years of combined experience in business and systems analysis and solution architecture, design, and development.

Our current and past projects and capabilities include simple, CMS, and eCommerce website development, web based and desktop app development, C#, .Net, android & iOS application development, and other development and technologies. We have US teams, as well as a full service delivery team in Indore, India.

Depending upon the engagement, our principal architect is available to visit the client’s location for in-depth strategy and analysis conversations.
Our common core competency is being able to partner with clients to understand business operations to design and build cost-effective technology solutions.

Visit for custom applications or for QlikView business intelligence solutions.

Phone: 214-883-4222
Skype: dmtech.principalarchitect

Founded: 2015

Work Terms

Negotiable; depends on project