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  • Competitive Analysis
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  • Market Analysis
  • Accounting
  • Balance Sheet
  • Business Planning
  • Business Presentations
  • Company Research
  • Competitor Intelligence
  • Consulting
  • Data Analysis
  • Excel
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  • DMG - Business Research and Consulting

    $40/hr Starting at $200 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Greetings from DMG Consultants! We are a team of qualified professionals with MBAs from reputed universities. Collectively, we have over 25 years of experience in marketing, finance and markets, operations,...

    AccountingBalance SheetBusiness PlanningBusiness PresentationsCompany Research


Reinventing Business

DMG Consultants

DMG Consultants is the brain child of a team of qualified professionals with MBAs from reputed universities. With the growing complexity of the business environment, we identified the need for small and medium business enterprises to stay competitive and relevant well into the future. We believe that only with the sustenance of small and medium business enterprises, could individual communities, and the people living in it could sustain themselves. Our energies and knowledge is directed towards this end.

We have over 25 years of experience in marketing, finance and markets, operations, and organizational practice. Our industry expertise touches upon, retail, manufacturing, financial institutions, banks, government bodies, information technology, and consulting.

Our team has provided advisory services for entrepreneurs and startups in India, Australia and the US. Our specialists have worked with leading fortune 500 organizations, during their previous tenures. Together as a team we offer our depth and breadth of experience and knowledge to propel the future of your business.

Founded: 2016

Work Terms

Our work terms are flexible, as we understand that small and medium enterprises need flexible solutions. As such there is always room for discussion to find a common ground.