Diligent, thorough and reliable. That’s my approach to proofreading. I’ll review your work analytically, giving it a polished finish with real impact
I am a professional, experienced proofreader and copy editor with over 30 years' experience in office administration, working primarily within national government and the European Commission. I am organised, thorough, systematic and can maintain a high degree of accuracy while meeting tight deadlines. I have a Bachelor of Arts degree in Humanities as well as a certified qualification in Proofreading and Copy Editing.
Examples of documents
- proposals
- presentations
- dissertations
- reports
- advertorial copy
- newsletters
My proofreading/copy editing service includes checking:
- Grammar
- Punctuation
- Spelling
- Sentence structure
- Readability
- Verb tense
My document formatting service includes:
- Ensuring consistent style
- Removing unnecessary spaces, breaks, tabs and sections
- Setting margins, breaks, columns, headers, footers, orientation and page numbering
- Styling of headings, lists, numbering and bullets
- Insertion of headers & footers, adding document title, version number, date and company details as required
- Insertion of tables to clearly present different forms of data
- Insertion of footnotes to create a consistently styled set of references that link to numbered instances on each page
- Creation and styling of table of contents
Work Terms
I will proofread/edit/format up to 2000 words, approximately 4 pages of typed text depending on font and spacing, within 2 days. Longer and shorter projects can be undertaken according to your requirements and specific deadlines. I edit in Word using 'track changes.' You will receive two Word documents.
1. A version highlighting all my suggested edits.
2. A 'clean' version, with all changes applied.
My goal is your complete satisfaction. I look forward to working with you.