My mission is good old-fashioned integrity and all that it encompasses.
I am a retired businessperson, having owned and operated several businesses in my short 57 years of life. During that time, I have always had a passion for writing, and was able to use my businesses as an outlet for this passion. Retiring at a young age from business, I decided to embark on a second career as a writer, and have recently found this outlet, which I hope will supply me sufficient work to nurture my overwhelming need to strike the keyboard on a daily basis.
I am able to write in English and French and translate in both. I speak and write Spanish and Dutch as well,
My businesses were construction-related as well as graphic design and marketing.
I have expertise on the following subjects: home improvements, construction methods and techniques, tools, real estate, home building, landscaping, outdoor living, architectural glass, insulated glass, glass technology, sustainable living, American politics, social issues, expat destinations, fishing, Canadian winters, Ecuador, marriage issues, global financial systems, business management, banking, financial markets, business start ups and a host of other subjects.
I have no aversion to research and in fact welcome it, I understand deadlines.
I comprehend quality of content and precision of language. I seek to do work that will create repeat opportunities from several requesters to ensure that I have sufficient material to write about.
At my age, consistency and quality has become a natural thing and a first priority, encouraged by having seen and learned from the failures of the alternative.
Work Terms
I prefer communications by email or skype.
I can write anytime that I am not sleeping, thus have 17 hours a day to so do on most days.