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  • API Development
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  • Senior .Net Developer

    $45/hr Starting at $130 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I am a Senior Software Engineer with over 9 years of experience in .NET.  Below you can find the projects list on which I was working:  9. Complex WEB API project for fetching surveys + some frontend... CoreAngularAPIAPI Development


DotnetSkills Mykhailo Nohas

I am a Senior Software Engineer with over 9 years of experience in .NET.
Below you can find the projects list on which I was working:

9. Complex WEB API project for fetching surveys + some frontend work(WEB API, MS SQL, Identity Server, Azure Functions)
[Senior Developer]

8. Implementation of MVC Net Webhooks Listener for CLIO API(ASP.NET MVC, MS SQL, REST API integration, OAuth 2.0)
[Senior Developer]

7. Big microservice architecture system for automating processes(.Net Core MVC, MS SQL, microservice communication(gRPC), OPC UA communication, MQTT communication, TCP communication, Web API)
[Senior Developer]

6. Dashboard system which displays data from the database in charts and diagrams(.Net Core 2.2, MediatR, CQRS, MS SQL, Angular 8, MS SQL)
[MID-level Developer]

5. The process automation system, which has been integrated with more than 8 external systems(ASP.NET MVC + ANGULAR + MS SQL, API(SOAP, Rest))
[MID-level Developer]

4. A big CRM project (ASP.Net MVC, AngularJS, MS SQL)
[MID-level Developer]

3. A big microservice architecture project - I was responsible for implementing entire microservice logic and communication + some frontend work(.Net Core, ReactJS, MongoDB)
0,5 year
(I was responsible for the own microservice, preparing integration tests(e2e), and preparing the unit tests for functionality)
[MID-level Developer]

2. A small CRM system (.NET Core, JQuery, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Web API, MS SQL, Azure) - 0,5 years (from start until end)
[MID-level Developer]

1. B2B platform for online booking hotels(ASP.NET MVC, Web API, WCF, REST API preparing, REST(SOAP) API integration, Entity Framework, MS SQL, MySql, ElasticSearch, Redis, CI/CD, Jira, Octopus, TeamCity)
I worked for more than 3 years on this project (I was responsible for integrating with external APIs, fixing bugs, implementing new features, and unit testing.
Since the project's beginning, I have integrated with more than 20 APIs.
Configured CI/CD and automatic deployment with 0 downtimes)
[Junior Developer]