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  • Article Writing
  • Boost
  • Copy and Paste
  • Customer Satisfaction
  • Healthcare Consulting
  • Medical
  • Microsoft Word
  • Physical Fitness
  • Web Design
  • Writing


  • Write 500 Word Medical or Health Artice

    $10/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Hello, I'm Malik Omar, a medical doctor by profession and professional article writer with three years of experience in article writing. I will write a unique and copy-scape passed 500-word article related...

    Article WritingBoostCopy and PasteCustomer SatisfactionHealthcare Consulting


A Health Care Professional, A Passionate Content Writer, An Academician, A Researcher,

Hi, my name is Dr. Omar Malik, I'm MD by profession and passionate content writer. I am truly dedicated to this job and love to do with best of my skills and efforts. I'm well grounded in all type of health related article writing work and have 3 years of experience in writing articles and blogs for various medical and health websites, blogs, magazines, and eBooks. All this thing can be described by my professional work. I'm are here to help you promote your business 24/7.
Looking forward to hearing from you :)

Work Terms

I'm available 24 hours to provide quality work.With ideas running through my veins, I'm ready to deliver professional work with a given time frame. I assure you to place your money on an effective side.

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