Classical and reliably literate.
I was an exceptional student from the beginning, particularly in language arts. In university, during a noon hour, I had learned from another student who was taking a class I was in earlier that he had a paper to hand in that he had neither started nor prepared for. I used the hour to write the essay for him on a speculative but innovative cross-cultural topic that I was thinking about at the time and gave it to him. He handed it in and received a superb grade, actually better than the one I had delivered for myself! It was the same professor, so I knew how he graded.
While I was working in a law office, I routinely edited and revised a large variety of documents for the principal(s) and had numerous discussions around some of them for prep work in court, which also honed my skills in preparing precise and accurate documents, but which allow for creative work in unfolding ideas to the readers and listeners.
Since those days, I have been part of a critique group which included several now published authors as well as those preparing for their next publications. There was a lot of line editing and copyediting for the works, but we had to go beyond that to flesh out the weaknesses in the writings. Our discussions surrounding the variety of ideas presented there also contribute to my understanding of the types of approaches one may need for his/her works.
Work Terms
I am in an MST time zone but can work flexibly depending on the work requested. I tend to start the project to completion with few breaks in between. Payment: I can take e-transfers into an account, so that is a way to begin.