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  • Full Stack Development
  • Ruby on Rails
  • Software Development


  • Full Stack Ruby on Rails Developer

    $25/hr Starting at $300 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I am a full stack Ruby on Rails developer. Here is my skillset: - Ruby on Rails: social network integration, unit testing, parsing. - Nokogiri, Devise, OAuth, RSpec (TDD), HAML, etc - Deploy via Capistrano...

    Full Stack DevelopmentRuby on RailsSoftware Development


I am a fullstack Ruby on Rails developer.

On Rails, here's some gems that I've work on :
-Devise for authentication
-Cancancan for authorization
-Omniauth-facebook for Facebook signup/login
-ActiveAdmin for the admin framework
-Toastr-rails for notification
-Friendly-id for SEO-friendly URL
-Payment integration with Paypal.

Database PostgreSQL, MySQL