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    Thanks to Eddy for all his help. We started working with him, and for sure he got us results. We were able to get more clients flooding into our restaurant and more likes on our posts. Eddy also has his sense of humor which makes him even better to work with. I would definitely recommenced his exper

    tise. Its been a smooth time working with him.

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    Dennis M.-Memphis restaurant manager

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    We had a smooth experience working with Eddy.the communication was fast and smooth. The quality of his deliverable is top. He also went the extra mile to keep us educated on what he was doing with our account and what we were to expect. Thanks to working with him and his advice on using stories for

    customer appreciation hash-tags and effective times to post we were able to cross the 77K mark on Instagram and still growing.

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    Lilly Ann - Senior Manager Dazzy Store

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    “Above and Beyond” I have worked with Eddy for a couple of months now. When I first got him on board I was having a hard time traveling and working on my social media. I usually travel frequently and I couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed since I was still traveling while trying to keeping up with my

    social media accounts and trying to get my podcast up and going. My progress as of now; I have over 1000 plus people signed up for my upcoming podcast which launches in a few weeks from now.Credit to Eddy who helped me grow and reach my followers who eventually signed up for my podcast. Eddy still helps me out and he has gone above and beyond to help me get to the next level in terms of my podcast. I can't believe he refused to take up my offer for full time. I would vouch for him 100% -

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    Rob Cobbold -Podcaster-

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    I was having problems getting my Instagram engagement up for my makeup page on Instagram. So I consulted with Eddy on what I could do to get my likes up. He told me about my copy and how I could get my audience to engage more. He laid down a strategy and gave me some recommendations for my Bio and I

    was able to skyrocket my likes from just 38 likes to 114 likes in just a week that's 3 times what I used to get.

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    Tonny Helli

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    Our social media pages had been dormant for some time. However, since we got Eddy on our team our pages on Twitter and Facebook are growing massively since we started working with him the results have been fantastic, With him, in the first twenty-eight days, our page got 148 new twitter followers. H

    e has also helped us increase our reach and spread our message on Facebook through posts and we are getting more likes than before on our content. I can't recommend Eddy enough without him we wouldn't be making quantum leaps in spreading our global message.

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    Team Conscious Evolution