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  • Facebook Ads
  • Google Ads
  • Google Display
  • Google Search Ads
  • Google Shopping Ads
  • Instagram Advertising
  • Marketing Ads
  • Marketing Analyst
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Social Media Advertising
  • YouTube Advertising


  • Digital Marketing

    $15/hr Starting at $300 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Social Media Advertising: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube ad campaigns with comprehensive targeting and analysis. Google Ads Management: Crafting and optimizing campaigns for Shopping, Display,...

    Facebook AdsGoogle AdsGoogle DisplayGoogle Search AdsGoogle Shopping Ads


I am a Digital Marketer who loves diving into Campaign Management, Social Media Optimization, Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising, Google Ads & SEA.

Social Media Online Presence, Social Media Strategy, Audience Targeting, and Campaign Optimization.

Google Ads & SEA.

When it comes to using keyword research to optimize campaigns and deliver amazing results, I'm your to/go person!

I am always eager to stay on top of the latest digital marketing trends and use data-driven insights to improve performance.

Let's connect and chat about how we can drive growth together!