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  • Design
  • Educational Content
  • Educational Instruction
  • French Language
  • Spanish Teaching


  • French lessons

    $20/hr Starting at $60 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Designed and implemented engaging educational material for children, teenagers, and adults. Developed educational sessions with the regard to actional paradigm. Integrated TICs in order to teach French...

    DesignEducational ContentEducational InstructionFrench LanguageSpanish Teaching


Edwar Manjarres Forero works at the Alliance française de Monterrey as a teacher of French as a foreign language and creator of teaching materials. He is also a teacher trainer on the integration of new technologies in language teaching. international education.

BA in Spanish and foreign languages ​​with emphasis on English and French (National Pedagogical University). Master in Dictics and Linguistics of Foreign Languages ​​(Rennes 2 University). Master's degree in digital engineering and pedagogy for the teaching of foreigners, specializing in French as a Foreign Language (Rennes 2 University). Candidate for a Master's in direction, innovation, and leadership of international schools (UCJC University)

Work Terms

one hour minimum, class from Monday to Friday. 8 am to 6 pm.

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