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  • Proofreading
  • Writing
  • Content Writing
  • Design
  • Editing
  • English Language
  • Grammar
  • Illustration
  • Image Design
  • Layout Design
  • Organic Search
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Search Engine Optimization Audits
  • SEO
  • Spelling


  • Graphics Illustration and Website Layout

    $27/hr Starting at $4K Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Image manipulation and custom image design. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    DesignIllustrationImage DesignLayout Design
  • Creating Clout on the Web

    $20/hr Starting at $4K Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource


    Content WritingOrganic SearchSEOWriting
  • Search Engine Analyst/Evaluation

    $20/hr Starting at $4K Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource


    Search Engine OptimizationSearch Engine Optimization Audits
  • Proofreading

    $20/hr Starting at $2K Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Ensuring grammar, spelling, sentence structure of English language. Ensuring professional level presentation ---------------------------------------------------

    English LanguageGrammarProofreadingSpelling
  • Business Communication

    $20/hr Starting at $2K Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    File manipulation, business document writing and editing proofreading ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



Say what you think and feel. Those that mind don't matter and those that matter won't mind. -Dr. Suess

Graduated in:
? Major: Associates in Science, Web Technologies (honors)
? Minor: Associates in Art, General Education focusing on IT (honors)
? Certification: Computer Programming Specialist
? Certification: Web Technologies
AS Network Services
Cerification:Networking Technology
Certification: Multi-media Support (Flash, Graphics Design/Manipulations)

Extensive experience with:
? Business communication applications/Document/file management
? Web browsers across a variety of platforms
? Internet Search Engines
? HTML and CSS coding
? SEO best practice and implementation
? Image editing software; Gimp, Paint Shop Pro and Photo Shop

Additional experience in:
? Desktop virtualization
Windows Server 2008 in a virtual environment
Windows Desktop Support
? MySQL database concepts, queries, information management
? Network cabling fundamentals
? Networking design and security concepts, CISCO device management through CISCO IOS
and CLI prompts
? C++ programming, java script, and PHP
? Adobe Flash Pro 6.0
Graphics Design and Illustration


Website design and implementation---
Contract webpage design and implementation

Help Desk ------
Resolved general user problems encountered in open access computer labs on college campus

Appeals Editor----
Edit of recent court appeals in preparation of web site inclusions as well as hard copy inclusions

Graphics Illustration--
5 year volunteer project for no child left behind using graphic image prompts in conjunction with phonic awareness for reading skills.

Work Terms


Must agree to contract terms
Currency: US dollar

If you're here looking for a "gift" to mean underpayment for legitimate services, including those that result out of an initial "job" as part of development, you are not the employer I want to do business with.

I live in the US and I'm accountable to those who live in the US and support US workers by hiring us. I'm much easier to contact and much easier to be held to agreements made.

Re: Graphics and Web Design Implementations

My rates are a living wage and you should expect to pay for intellectual property born out of our collaborations.

Message to you US employers expecting to save money by coming here to essentially undercut your own in-house US team by farming out to countries overseas for pennies: you get what you pay for, which is usually stiffed or a designer/worker without accountability once paid.

Graphics mockups aren't free. if you ask for a specific type or kind of mockup you are inviting me to work for a fee. All graphics files handed over in application native file formats born out of development processes are not part of defaulted deliverables. These file types are separate and billable.