Excellence in editing & proofreading, academic writing, writing tutoring, content writing, research and also other writing.
I am Eldad Kwena, I have the skills and experience necessary to any of the following jobs: complex research, skilled writing, editing & proofreading. My rates depend upon the complexity of the job.
Let me be upfront - if you are looking for someone to work at "outsourcer rates" or to provide any work that is unethical or "black hat," then I am not that person. But if you are looking for a person who will provide HIGH QUALITY and ORIGINAL work, completed by someone with both attention to detail and a creative mind, then that's me. I stand by all my work and won't work on anything that I wouldn't be proud to put my name on.
I am fortunate to have a gift with writing and truly enjoy it. Over my lifetime I have met many people with brilliant ideas and thoughts who struggle with getting them into writing in a way that effectively conveys the message. I have a passion for helping people take their thoughts and put words on paper so that the ideas can be shared with others. There is a great sense of satisfaction that I get when a client tells me “that’s exactly what I wanted to say!”
One of my specialties is helping people develop well-written content that brings organic and natural traffic to their sites. I provide writing, editing and formatting services for online website content.
I have an extensive writing history. I am conscientious and thorough in all that I do, often going above and beyond employer expectations. I have an inner passion for knowledge and answers. If I don't know something, want new information or want to learn how to do something, I do whatever is necessary to find the answers.
My preferred jobs are advanced research, editing and writing projects that require someone with great attention to detail and an analytical approach to finding information, not just "collecting data." {????Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the data collection process, but typically simple research jobs don't pay equivalent to my experience & expertise.}????
Work Terms
Because I am completely self-employed, I have flexibility in the hours that I can provide, based upon what is required. My rates depend upon the complexity of the project.