iOS/Android front end | back end developer
I am an expert iOS/Android developer and full stack specialist experienced well in Objective c, Swift, Java and PHP languages.
Also, I am very familiar with MVC, MVP and MVVP.
My summarized experience and skills on mobile fields are as follows:
1) Web services integration - AFNetworking framework, Alamofire, Retrofit framework, Native API and Rest API
2) Social Media integration - Facebook SDK, Twitter SDK, Instagram SDK, Youtube and G+
3) Google Play Service integration - Google Admob advertisement and Google Maps features
4) Real Time Location Tracking – GPS system using Geofence, LocationManager and CoreLoaction frameworks
5) Chatting and Messaging – Firebase Chat, QuickBlox SDK and instant Messaging using Sinch SDK.
6) Video/Voice call - ooVoo SDK.
7) Photo/Video Sharing – Picasso SDK, Forto SDK and Avairy SDK.
8) Video chatting –Twilio, OpenTok and Sinch
9) OCR Image processing - Tesseract OCR Engine and ABBYY OCR Engine.
10) Barcode/QR code scan – Zxing and Zbar Third Party Lib.
11) Cloud Server integration – Amazon using Amazon Dynamo DB, RDS, Amazon EC2, Amazon S3 and so on, Firebase as well as Hosting server like GoDaddy
12) Push Notification – APNS, GCM, FCM and OneSignal
13) In App Purchase – In App Billing Service and StoreKit framework
14) Payment - Paypal SDK, Stripe SDK and BrainTree SDK and Payment gateway integration such as Payfort and others.
15) GeoLocation – GPS system (CoreLocation and LocationManager frameworks) and Google Map, MapBox
16) Data Management – Realm, Sqlite and CoreData
17) Emailing through SendGrid
18) App Analyzing through Frabric and Analytics
19) Source Management – Dropbox, Github, Bitbucket, Zube and so on