Greetings! I'm Elisa Yu, an accomplished proofreading professional with a passion for linguistic precision and a dedication to cultivating a culture of excellence in written communication. With a comprehensive background in literature studies, I have honed my skills to become a trusted expert in the world of proofreading.
Professional Journey:
My journey in the field of proofreading began 15 years ago. Since then, I have been on a relentless pursuit of perfection, continuously refining my craft through a combination of formal education, practical experience, and a genuine love for language.
Impact on Students:
The success of my teaching endeavours is best reflected in the testimonials of my students. Many have shared stories of professional advancement, increased confidence in their writing abilities, and a newfound appreciation for the art of proofreading. Witnessing their journeys and successes continues to be a source of immense pride and motivation for me.