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  • Ejb
  • Hibernate
  • Java
  • Java SE
  • JavaFX
  • Jpa
  • Maven
  • Oracle Java Ee
  • Orm
  • Spring Boot
  • Spring Framework
  • Spring Security
  • Web Application Security



    $25/hr Starting at $1K Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Java developer since 2007, I have made numerous projects within the software industry as well as I have played different roles in them: Developer, analyst, coordinator, process consultant, security expert...

    EjbHibernateJavaJava SEJavaFX


If you are looking for something more than a simple JAVA developer, if you are looking for PROFESSIONALITY, QUALITY, INNOVATION, SECURITY AND EFFICIENCY; YOU'll GET THE RIGHT PERSON.


Military Studies, Senior Officer of Marine Corps (1990-1996)
Area of studies: Military Sciences.
Training place: Naval Military School of Marín / Spain.
Degree: Master Degree.

Technical Engineer in Computer Systems (2001-2006)
Area of studies: Software Engineering and Telecommunications.
Training place: UNED.
Degree: Bachellor degree.

Postgraduate in Development of Business Applications in J2EE (2006-2007)
Area of studies: Software Engineering and Telecommunications.
Training place: Sun Mycrosystems Ibérica.
Degree: Master Degree.


Sun Certified Programmer (2007)
Certified by: Sun Mycrosystems.
Skills: Java Certified Programmer.

Sun Certified Web Component Developer (SCWCD) (2008)
Certified by: Sun Mycrosystems.
Skills: Java Certified Expert, Web Application Security, JSP, JAVA Servlet ...

Sun Certified Business Component Developer (SCBCD) (2009)
Certified by: Sun Mycrosystems.
Skills: Java Certified Expert, Enterprise Application Security, EJB, JPA, JPQL, Transactions, Java Messaging API


OPINNO (2018-2018)
Freelance Consultant
Security and quality consulting in Java Back-End applications, Android and X-Code Front-End for the banking sector.

TECKNOLAB (2017-2017)
Freelance Software Engineer

BALIDEA (2007-2015)
Programmer of Computer Applications: Developing applications in Java, J2SE and J2EE, for different areas of public administration (University of Santiago de Compostela, Pan American Health Organization, Galician Health Service, Balearic Health Service, City of A Coruña ...) .

Captain of the Spanish Marine Corps: He performs the very diverse functions of these works, which include those of the military security forces. Especially responsible for the coordination of the traffic of ships, aircraft and assault vehicles. Participates in international exercises in all types of countries.

Work Terms

30 hours per week of both actual and billed work. In the case of developments, an evolutionary prototype will be planned and submitted for review to the client every 60 hours of development carried out in it. The client has a week to assess the status of the same, propose improvements and in any case make the agreed payment.
An electronic invoice will be sent with each payment.