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  • Proofreader, Editor, Writer

    $15/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    After recently being made redundant from my college course leader job, I aim to own my time by returning to freelance work. When I was school-age, English was my number one subject, without trying. My...

    Academic Content WritingAcademic EditingAcademic EssaysAcademic ResearchAcademic Writing


Working to the best of my ability, to the deadlines required.

I have recently found myself being made redundant, so would like to get back into freelance writing. The last few years have seen me develop and hone my skills. I have done this on my own, and excelled at the jobs I have taken on.
When I was school age, English was my number one subject. My grades were far higher than in any other subject, and I had a real passion for it.
Surprisingly, I decided not to go to university. I instead went to college and tried media studies for the first time. Editing and writing were my forte. The highest grades I got were for written work and video editing. I then took these skills and realised them in journalism. However, the pay wasn't so great, in fact I made no money, so went back to college to meet new people, and discover some more lines of work that might be open to me. I came away with a distinction in every subject on the course, with my course manager praising my organisation, assertiveness and leadership qualities.
Now, I manage a rock band, looking after their social media sites and talking to people in the music industry, and I also had experience as a chief writer and editor for two separate websites. The writing was a chance to show my flair, and the editing was about polishing the brilliant articles written by my colleagues. In an entertainment business where news moves so fast, you have to be quick with articles, and sometimes grammar gets missed, or a word gets repeated. It was my job to filter that, and make our work truly competitive, as it needed to be.
I am very quick to spot mistakes, or sentences that don't quite flow. I love reading fiction and non-fiction, with many an hour passing by looking up references and information on subjects I want to know more about. I'm happy to work on fiction or non-fiction, business documents and personal documents. I spent most of last year helping young people out of school write CVs (resumes) and I write fiction as a hobby

Work Terms

Monday-Friday 8am until 6pm GMT
contact via profile is preferred for correspondence.