Words are the currency of the web and your business.
Here’s where I impress you. Any moment now I'm going to whip out some wizardry words that result in an ‘ahhh’ and a few ‘ohhhs’.
Actually no. No, I'm not.
Because that’s not what copy and content creation is about... and it’s not what I do.
Here’s the thing - you’re here because you want more customers, whatever the industry, no matter what your product or service is.
I take the goal of your end game, and work backward from there – you tell me about your business objective, and I create copy that leads to tangible pence, pounds, and profit. You know, a goal like driving more visitors to your corner of the World Wide Web - like establishing rock-solid industry authority - or creating firm fans, loyal customers or warm and ready-to-roll prospects.
You see, copy that works as an asset isn’t simply a matter of understanding your product or service. It’s about knowing your target customer inside out – understanding their fears, their desires, their needs... what motivates them and what resonates with them.
Ultimately? I craft words that win hearts, persuade minds and stir emotions. I tap into the mind of your target market and move swiftly onto first name terms with your prospect.
So, that’s what I do (and what I don’t). Now that that’s cleared up, maybe we should get to work?