We contacted Complete Marketing Solutions and asked them to put together a marketing plan; it was done in days. We needed a website; it was done in a week. We needed marketing materials; they were created in days and weeks. We needed a photos, sales portfolios, product testimonials, magazine ads, ad
vice negotiating with nationwide retailers, social media accounts, e-mail campaigns, display materials and a hundred other things to help get us effectively launched and profitable. They were all done quickly and almost always ahead of our expectations. The Results: Within the span of a few months, JarBox was actively negotiating with major regional retailers -- two years ahead of our expectations! I can't believe this all started with an idea, and now "our baby" is found coast to coast in the U.S. and Canada. CMS used many marketing strategies most webmasters haven't even considered. In less than a year, we went from having a concept to becoming nationwide retailers. In
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Jeri McFarlane, Inventor and Co-Founder, JarBox