Photographer, Graphic Designer, General Eye-popper
For my day job, I'm a pilot with an air EMS service in the upper Midwest. With plenty of down time, I've persued other hobbies that include music, graphic designs, as well as an avid interest in photography, including nature, abstract, and surrealism. Because my day job has quite a bit of down time, I have been looking to freelance to fill some of the time and earn some extra income and help your business succeed.
Work Terms
I am very flexible because my main employment is on-call, with 2 weeks on and one week off. During the two weeks I am on I generally have quite a bit of down time, typically more than half the week I will not be busy either off duty or in between calls, during that time I have a wide open schedule and can be very flexible.
Will require down payments for work that is expected to take more than one week to complete, as well as jobs that will pay more than $500. Full payment is expected at the time of delivery of final product.