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  • Database Design

    $30/hr Starting at $100 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    My greatest strengths are my ability to solve complex problems and to learn new systems very quickly. I have the most experience with databases (especially SQL Server and Access), GIS (especially ArcGIS...

  • GIS / Programming

    $30/hr Starting at $100 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    My greatest strengths are my ability to solve complex problems and to learn new systems very quickly. I have the most experience with databases (especially SQL Server and Access), GIS (especially ArcGIS...



Problem-Solver, GIS-wiz. Good at communicating, and understanding what you want.

BSE - Systems Engineering, University of Pennsylvania
BS - Economics, University of Pennsylvania
MGA - Government Administration, University of Pennsylvania
MA - Economics, University of Colorado

Professional Experience:
2003 - 2010: Philadelphia Water Department (PWD), Project Manager
Managed a major environmental program, including the development an ArcSDE property geodatabase for the City of Philadelphia. Significant time spent developing in SQL, ArcMap, python, VBA, and MS Access.

Since leaving PWD, I travelled a few years, began a PhD in Economics (completed my Masters, then left), travelled again, started a permaculture farm in upstate NY...

As of 2018, I work as an independent consultant / GIS analyst / programmer / general problem-solver for a NH-based company called Axiomatic. Most of our work is government, so when one contract is finished, there can be some dead-space before the next one starts.

Sometimes, I just go travelling but, being now in a relationship, sometimes I just stay home and get bored. If I'm applying to your contract, it means I'm in such a slow-period (and am not travelling).

Native English speaker.
Tambien, hablo espaƱol fluidamente.
Aussi, je parle francais, plus ou moins. Ecrit, je comprend tout. Je habite, maintenant, avec ma blonde, a Quebec.

Work Terms

Telecommuting only