Providing professional geospatial technology consultancy and software development solutions across all industries
My 10 years professional experiences covers practical skills in GIS , Land and Engineering surveying,Global Positioning (GPS) Survey, Digital mapping and remote sensing, locational based mapping tools and data visualization and analytics, geospatial database development, Geospatial applications developments. I also have practical experience in GIS/survey projects contracting; planning and management, field survey staffing, management and team leadership.
I have undertaken several GIS mapping projects including GIS infrastructure review and assesments, Geo-database development, GIS data processing, spatial data modeling for storm water, sewerage, big water reservoirs, water supply, mapping of WASH projects for project planning, M&E and GIS capacity building for various organizations.
I am an expert user of various geospatial software ranging from Esri ArcGIS, Global Mapper, ENVI, Erdas Imagine, MapInfo and QGIS, KoBo Toolbox, ArcPad, amongst opensource geospatial tools .
I have the ability to interpret project requirements, develop practical execution approaches for any geospatial and related projects thus effectively attaining standards provided by the client.
I have experience in web and mobile geospatial software development with software programming languages e.g. HTML,CSS(Bootstrap),JavaScript(jQuery) Leaflet Map, GeoExt, Google MapsAPI, OpenLayer, QGIS, Geoserver, PostGIS, PHP, MySQL. Python/Django/GeoDjango,Web GIS applications design and development.
Work Terms
8-12hrs Per day,Payment Mode PayPal,Communication:-Email,skype,online chatting,Zoom,
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