I'm an senior electronic engineer with more than nine years of experience working with FPGAs, HDLs, Digital Design, DSP, embedded, ...
I have worked as a R&D engineer designing equipment for RF microwave using software defined radio concepts, implementing them into FPGAs.
I developed arrays of digital filters using FPGAs (including DSP, comm. control) AM/FM mod/demod, digital schemes mod/demod (DQPSK and others). It was developed a break-in system also who has a patent application. I've used high density design for FPGAs, using up to 99% of consumption,
I have experience in ASICs and CADENCE tools, participating testing a library based on MCML, an approximation for achieving a lower power consumption.
Also, I've developed small projects like battery charges with altera tools, quad encoders, test of IPs for fabrication and other small projects.