Design Services for Passionate entrepreneurs.
The Pixelspidr Services launched in 2005, after I finished my diploma as Multimedia Specialist. Throughout the years, I've gained more knowledge about online markets, I continued following the design trends, and I studied more to improve my skills. Currently, I'm proud to offer my clients the professional services they need to stand out online and be able to do more of what they love.
I'm originally from the Azores, live now in the US, and work with clients from all across the globe. I'm also a wife, mom to three children, and I'm an overachiever, because I'm constantly learning, pushing my limits, and I'm always committed to create work my clients and their audience loves. My belief is that simple, yet sophisticated design is the most effective way to communicate with an audience and to me, there's nothing more gratifying than knowing that the work I've done for someone, helped them achieve the life they dreamed about.
So here I am. I'm making my pixels and I'm helping other busy spiders make theirs. Sometimes isn't easy, but that's why we have each other!
Professional Titles:
Multimedia Specialist
Squarespace Professional
Windows Advanced User
Hootsuite Professional