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  • App & Mobile Programming
  • App Development
  • Engineering
  • Feature Writing
  • iOS App Development
  • iPhone


  • iOS App Development

    $20/hr Starting at $1K Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    An iOs engineer with a solid background in developing iPhone apps. I have practical knowledge of Swift programming language, iOS SDK, Apple mobile frameworks and third party libraries. During my freelance...

    App & Mobile ProgrammingApp DevelopmentEngineeringFeature WritingiOS App Development


An iOS developer with solid experience in developing apps for iPhone and iPad.

Software engineer with 8 years experience in creating iOS applications from Moldova, Eastern Europe.

I'm looking for opportunities to create iOS applications for startups, enterprise clients and their businesses. My priorities are customer satisfaction, building high quality product, great usability and last but not least shipping the product in time.

I developed mobile applications that work with backend services, store data on remote servers, communicate with the app using network technologies: REST API, reachability, caching, certificate pinning.

Also have experience in payment systems. Managed a team that worked on Muume iOS app, part of the Muume payment environment — you can find the project in my portfolio.

Work Terms

My working schedule from 09:00 AM to 08:00 PM (GMT+3), Monday - Friday

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