Software Architect, Programmer, BusIiness Consultant, Graphic Designer, Database Guru
I been computer savy since I can remember when I was about 13 yrs old. I did everything related to computers, from security, web development, databases design and optimization, graphic design, programming, video editing, streaming, mass emailing and more...You name it.
Over the years, I've moved to Los Angeles and started a company to help other companies to accelerate their presence on the web and while doing that I learnt to do business plans and what works and what not, so I've started to help business to create and choose their strategy, their technology, to implement all that and to present all that in writing before implementation.
I've work for startups and for Fortune 500 companies, in teams or by myself.
Now, I went back to Patagonia Argentina where I keep doing technical consulting, some photography (my 2nd love), graphics, and business development consultation.