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  • .NET
  • .net Development
  • ASP
  • Asp Classic
  • Ajax
  • Storefront
  • Data Collection
  • Data Maintenance
  • Data Mining
  • Developer
  • Development & Design
  • Dotnet
  • Dotnet 2.0

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  • ASP .NET MVC Developer

    $15/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I have 5+ years of experience working with technologies such as ASP.Net MVC/Web Forms, Web APIs, web services, WPF, WCF, Windows Forms with strong knowledge and deep understanding of software design... DevelopmentASPAsp ClassicASP.NET
  • Data Mining

    $10/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I am professional web data scraper. I use my technical skills, HTML parsing, automated tools and other data parsing techniques to scrap data from websites. In short I am able to scrape data(structured,...

    Data CollectionData MaintenanceData MiningPDF to Excel ConversionScraper


I have 5+ years of experience working with technologies such as ASP.Net MVC/Web Forms, Web APIs, cross-platform mobile apps (Xamarin, Cordova) and web services, WPF, WCF, Silver-light and Windows Forms with strong knowledge and deep understanding of software design patterns and best practices.