ExcEllEncE !n CrEat!vE DEs!gn and A CERtified GRapHIc DEs!gner
Hi, I am an expert professional Photo editor and Graphic designer. I am working fast with honesty and offering you unlimited revisions and assuring you excellent quality work within time frame. I am happy to serve you. The job is not completed until you say so!
The key areas of my expertise include:
*Photo Editing:
-Clipping Path
-Background Removal
-Skin Retouching/Editing
-Image Editing and Retouching
-Jewelry Retouching/Editing
-Color Correction
-Photo Manipulation
-Masking , Resizing, Create Shadow and etc
-Business Card Design
-Flyer Design
-Banner Design
-Logo Design
-Header Design
-Magazine Design
-Poster Design
My portfolio link : http://www.behance.net/fahimulkar0c62
For quick contact:
For File Transfer:
*Google Drive
"Work for money, design for love."
"Your Satisfaction My Success"